
Cookies are small text files that a website places on your computer, tablet, or phone. We do not use tracking cookies. Therefore, we only inform you on our website that we use cookies. We do not need to ask for consent.

Types of cookies on our website
Types of cookies and whether we use them on our website:

Type of cookieExplanationOn our website
Necessary cookiesRequired for a website or app to function properly. Often session cookies, for temporary data storage. Most disappear automatically once you leave the website.We place some necessary cookies, mostly session cookies. No consent is needed for this.
Analytical cookiesMeant to track visitor statistics. Statistical programs collect data about how visitors use the website.Our statistical programs (Siteimprove and Matomo) do not place analytical cookies. We do not collect personal data.
Tracking cookiesCookies that can follow visitors across different websites. These cookies are privacy-sensitive, and consent is always required for their use.We do not use these cookies on our website. Therefore, our website does not support the 'do not track' setting in browsers.

Names of the cookies we use

  • Server cookies
  • Chatbot cookies
  • Form cookies

No cookies on your device?
If you do not want websites to place cookies on your device, you can:

  • Adjust your browser settings to receive a warning when a website wants to place cookies.
  • Change the settings so that your browser refuses all cookies or only third-party cookies.

You can also remove placed cookies via the settings of your browser or device.

If you block our cookies, we cannot guarantee that our website will work perfectly.

More information
More information about cookies can be found:

The law that applies to cookies is:

Contact International delegations


+31 (0)30 286 00 00
For English: press 9
