We Make Utrecht Together

Utrecht belongs to all of us. We can only achieve our goals by working together. We are working with residents, business owners and organisations throughout the city. We encourage residents to voice their ideas for their neighbourhoods and districts.
We also ask residents, businesses and organisations to actively think along with us. Everyone’s voice and commitment is essential to making Utrecht even healthier and more pleasant to live and work in. We are making the submission of ideas as easy as possible for residents who are less likely to voice their opinion.
Utrecht is growing and that means considerable challenges with regard to living, working, accessibility and energy. That requires some collaboration beyond our city limits: with the region, the province and the government.
In addition to financial support from the government, regional, national and international collaboration also provides inspiration and sustainable solutions. "If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together," is a proverb that we like to remind ourselves of.